Author: Andre Santin

Permanent way monitoring

Safety and optimization of preventive maintenance are priorities for IEME Brasil and LAEDE when it comes to evaluating their customers’ metro rail systems. To achieve this, the company relies on cutting-edge technologies and methodologies, the result of exchanges and monitoring of studies in some of the most advanced technological centers on the subject. One of the resources adopted by IEME for this purpose is the instrumented wheelset calibrator, studied in Italy by the Università degli Studi di Firenze, Sapienza in Rome and the Polytechnic of Milan, institutions visited by the company.


But what is the instrumented wheelset calibrator?

“The calibrator is a bench designed to apply existing loads on the permanent track onto an instrumented wheel set with the aim of correlating wheel-rail contact forces and deformations. To this end, electrical resistance strain gauges, hydraulic jacks, actuators and various load cells are used, in addition to a structure capable of supporting such loads”, explains engineer Tiago Juliani, Engineering coordinator at IEME Brasil.

There is a variety of information obtained by the calibrated instrumented wheelset. With the passage of the instrumented wheelset, the wheel-rail contact forces and the L/V relationship (lateral force / vertical force of the wheel) are obtained along the entire path of the train, which may indicate problems both on the permanent track as well as in the rolling stock, such as geometric imperfections in the track, welding defects, failures in railway components, poor maintenance of tracks and wheels, among others. Furthermore, the operational risk of the line is assessed with the L/V ratio.

Therefore, the calibrator is adopted whenever a new measurement campaign is carried out with the instrumented wheelset and, if the same previously instrumented wheelset is used, there has been a certain mileage between one campaign and another.

Paraguay inaugurates Heroes del Chaco bridge

With the presence of President Santiago Peña and members of his government, including the Minister of Public Works and Communications (MOPC), Claudia Centurión, Paraguay inaugurated last Sunday, 3/3, the emblematic Heroes del Chaco Bridge, a cable-stayed structure that connects the capital, Asunción, to the Chaco’i region. The project dates back to 2013, but construction only began in 2020, in the middle of the pandemic, employing around 1,500 workers in the region. Once completed, the work should receive around 10,000 vehicles per day, relieving traffic congestion currently on the Remanso bridge, opened in 1978.

The bridge stretches 603 meters over the Paraguay River and has two pillars of 300 meters each with two sails supported by 23 stays on each side. It is the first bridge with four lanes for vehicle circulation, a pedestrian path and a cycle path. Together with access roads and viaducts, the complex totals 7 kilometers from Costanera Norte to its junction with the Remanso-Puerto Falcón section.

In addition to standing out as a new icon in the landscape of Asunción, the bridge also represents a great leap for Paraguayan engineering and for the companies of the Consórcio Unión, formed by CDD Construcciones and Constructora Heisecke. “This work symbolizes a transcendental step, it is the first bridge built by a Paraguayan company, which knew how to rise to the challenge we face in the country. Today we have absolutely nothing to envy an international company, nothing”, said president Santiago Peña.

IEME Brasil and LAEDE had a small but important participation in the work, by carrying out all static and dynamic tests to assess the safety of the structure and allow it to be opened to traffic. It was the first dynamic test of its kind carried out in Paraguay, a decision that shows the seriousness of the current Paraguayan government in relation to its enterprises and infrastructure projects.


See also on Instagram:



Puente Héroes del Chaco – Photo: IEME Brasil


Puente Héroes del Chaco – Photo: IEME Brasil


Puente Héroes del Chaco – Photo: IEME Brasil


Puente Héroes del Chaco – Photo: IEME Brasil


Puente Héroes del Chaco – Photo: BNamericas


Puente Héroes del Chaco – Photo: Creative Commons licenses by-sa 40 Overkill53


IEME / LAEDE technical team installing sensors on the Ponte del Chaco. Photo: Shirley Juliani Reproduction


IEME / LAEDE technical team carrying out the load test on the Ponte del Chaco. Photo: Shirley Juliani Reproduction


IEME / LAEDE technical team installing sensors on the Ponte del Chaco. Photo: Shirley Juliani Reproduction

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RHCP stage in Morumbi is monitored by IEME

Red Hot Chili Peppers, an American rock band, performed on 10/11 a show at the Morumbi stadium, part of their world tour “Global Stadium Tour”. The historic performance featured the return of guitarist John Frusciante, a classic member who returned to play with the band in 2019, after 10 years in other projects.

IEME Brasil monitored the stadium during the show, using sensors to measure the deformation of the structure, subjected to dynamic loads, such as those generated by the public at music shows or football matches.

São Paulo Futebol Clube (SPFC) and IEME Brasil have a long partnership in monitoring the Cícero Pompeu de Toledo Stadium. The monitoring provides important information about the structure and guarantees the safety and comfort of users, such as those who attended the show on 10/11 and other artistic and sporting events.

It is worth remembering that public agitation generates vibrations in the structure that can exceed the limits allowed in technical standards and generate panic, accidents and even structural collapse. The objective of regular monitoring is to avoid these situations with preventive measures and also to monitor the structure’s behavior in real time.

Monitoring also helps SPFC to optimize the necessary maintenance of the stadium, avoiding greater expenses with possible structural restoration works.

Congratulations to the SPFC Board of Directors, who through their care and responsibility ensure that their events take place safely.


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What do you know about elastomers?

Versatility and security

Elastomers are polymeric materials with viscoelastic properties, which means they can be stretched and deformed under tension and then return to their original shape when the tension is removed. This unique ability makes these materials extremely versatile and valuable across multiple industries.

In the context of civil and railway construction, elastomers play a crucial role. They are used in large works and railway systems for a series of applications, ranging from shock absorption to vibration isolation. These properties are fundamental to ensuring the safety and adequate performance of structures and systems.

However, to ensure that these elastomers meet the necessary quality and performance standards, it is essential to carry out a series of rigorous tests defined by international Technical Standards. This is where LAEDE – Acoustics and Dynamic and Static Testing Laboratory comes in.

LAEDE, part of IEME Brasil, has extensive experience in high-capacity static and dynamic mechanical testing, which plays a key role in the evaluation and certification of elastomers used in a variety of applications.

The tests carried out by LAEDE include the evaluation of the mechanical and performance properties of materials. This includes quasi-static tests of vertical and shear stiffness, dynamic tests of free and forced vibration, permanent loading, fatigue (mechanical aging) and obtaining the damping coefficient. Additionally, the laboratory is capable of reproducing specific conditions in greenhouse and water environments, which is crucial for testing elastomers in real-world conditions.

The importance of these tests cannot be underestimated. They ensure that elastomers function as expected, providing the necessary shock absorption, vibration isolation and flexibility in various applications. This rigorous assessment also helps identify any wear or degradation over time, ensuring the safety and durability of these materials.

LAEDE is part of the Brazilian Network of Testing Laboratories (RBLE) and is a laboratory accredited by Cgcre in accordance with ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025. This means that the tests meet the highest standards of quality and technical competence. Therefore, when choosing LAEDE to carry out these tests, you can be confident that you are working with experienced and certified professionals.

See more in the Elastomers section.

Forced vibration dynamic test

Do not panic. It’s not an earthquake.

This is Vibrodina at work in LAEDE.

The equipment is used for dynamic testing of forced vibration in metro-railway systems (video) and large structures such as stadiums, bridges, viaducts, dams and buildings. The test allows measuring the following dynamic properties: natural frequency of the system, damping, dynamic stiffness and fatigue performance.

LAEDE performs mechanical tests to verify resistance and reliable performance, using state-of-the-art equipment, and is part of the RBLE, accredited by Cgcre in accordance with ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025.



Check out all services on the website:

Arena Corinthians safety assessment completes 10 years

Exactly 10 years ago (May 2013) IEME Brasil evaluated, using a forced vibration test, the safety of the stands at Neo Química Arena, the Corinthians stadium that hosted the opening of the 2014 World Cup.

With the help of Vibrodina, mechanical generating equipment that simulates the movement of fans, IEME’s technical team evaluated the dynamic behavior of the structure, to ensure the necessary safety and comfort to receive the fans. About a month after its inauguration, on June 12, the stadium hosted the opening of the World Cup, with Brazil’s 3-1 victory over Croatia.

During the six World Cup games, Arena Corinthians received around 360,000 spectators. The last match set the stadium’s attendance record, which at the time had provisional stands: 63,267 paying for Argentina vs. the Netherlands.

IEME Brasil was contracted for the job by Odebrecht, which is responsible for the Arena Corinthians works. The same technology had been used in large Italian stadiums, such as San Siro, in Milan, and Olímpico, in Rome.

Read more at:


Vale, Parauapebas: we are in the field

Technicians from IEME Brasil and LAEDE are in the field to carry out detailed inspection services in 16 special works of art (bridges or viaducts) and 7 tunnels of the Structural Integrity Management subordinated to the Directorate of Base Metals Atlântico Sul, of Vale, in Parauapebas (PA). The OAE and tunnels are located in the territories of Mineração Onça Puma, Mina do Salobo, Mina do Sossego and Porto São Luiz, in the States of Pará and Maranhão.

The contract began in August 2022 and is expected to end in September 2024. IEME estimates that approximately 30% of the service has already been completed.

Detailed inspection services for OAE and tunnels follow ABNT NBR 9452 – Inspection of Bridges, Viaducts, Concrete Walkways – Procedures and include the following tests:

  • Verification of corrosion potential
  • Checking the electrical resistivity of concrete
  • Sclerometry (NBR-7584) – By tested area
  • Chloride ion content
  • Sulphate content
  • RAA (Alkali Aggregate Reaction)
  • Weld penetrant liquid
  • Ultrasound
  • Infrared thermography
  • Pacometry
  • Concrete permeability
  • Concrete strength – core extraction
  • Extensometry test
  • Mapping with aerometry (drone)
  • Mapping using 3D scanning

The inspection results in detailed reports containing all the reports of the technological tests carried out, informing the state of conservation and any pathologies identified, reporting points of improvement, drawings with the repairs to be made, if the inspection defines it, and the classification grade of each asset , as required by the standard.


Carrying out the load test on the Itacaiúnas Bridge, using loaded trucks


Top and bottom view of the Itacaiúnas Bridge


Extraction of the specimen with the CP extracted

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IEME Brasil present at Morumbi, Coldplay’s stage

The British band Coldplay closed on Saturday, 18/3, the cycle of six shows in São Paulo, part of the world tour “Music of the Spheres” that celebrates the last album of the group. For the safety of the musicians and thousands of fans who attended the concert, the Morumbi stadium was being monitored by IEME Brasil, which installed sensors to measure the deformation of the structure subjected to dynamic loads, such as those generated by the public jumping in music shows or in matches. of football. These measurements provide a number of important pieces of information about the structure.

Stadiums that are constantly monitored and receive regular maintenance, as is the case of Estádio Cicero Pompeu de Toledo (São Paulo Futebol Clube – SPFC stadium), are very safe. Unfortunately, most Brazilian stadiums do not have this concern. The problem can arise when the structure enters into resonance, that is, the frequency of the dynamic load coincides with the natural frequency of the structure. In these cases, vibrations can exceed the limits allowed in technical standards and cause public panic, accidents and even the collapse of the structure.

SPFC, always concerned with ensuring the safety and comfort of its public, once again hired IEME Brasil to monitor the structure of the stadium. This time the event was the Coldplay concert. Congratulations to the SPFC staff for their care and responsibility.

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Board 2022 of Civil Consultants evaluates the health of Itaipu

As it has been doing for 47 years, the International Board of Civil Consultants met in November 2022 to assess the safety conditions of the Itaipu plant. Engineer Marco Juliani, director of IEME Brasil, has been participating in these meetings as a consultant and, in this 23rd edition, presented the Stretch E Studies – Simulations by MEF.

The Board of Civil Consultants – created in 1975, the year in which Itaipu began to be built – is a group formed by recognized specialists in the engineering of large dams, from different countries, who meet periodically to carry out technical inspections, analyze the data issued by the plant’s professionals and assess the dam’s safety level. These inspections were frequent during the construction period, becoming every four years after completion.

The latest news is excellent. “It is very good to know that Itaipu is in good health and will continue to be so for many years”, said Itaipu’s technical director, David Krug, when thanking the Board for its collaboration.

To learn more, visit the Itaipu website.

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Suzano Municipal Drainage and Rainwater Management Plan (PMDMAP)

Coordinated and completed in 2022 by the Municipality of Suzano (SP), the Municipal Plan for Drainage and Management of Rainwater of Suzano (PMDMAP) carries out an extensive mapping of the municipality, identifying everything from roads, properties and occupations to the type of ground cover, basins and areas at risk for human occupation.

The study covers 45 areas (divided into several sectors) and is an important municipal management tool in several aspects, such as: urban occupation, transport and road development, social programs and environmental education.

In addition, the PMDMAP identifies regions subject to flooding, flooding and landslides, helping the city hall to intervene in critical areas and thus prevent accidents.

Consisting of a diagnosis by sector, the plan provides specific recommendations for solving problems for each one of them.

These may include garbage and debris cleaning services, improvements to the surface drainage system (rainwater, wastewater and/or sewage); earthworks to adjust or reduce the slope, drainage works and surface protection; implementation of containment structures (gravity walls, curtains, etc.), earthmoving services; implementation of surface vegetation protection (grasses) on slopes with exposed soil; cleaning and desilting of the drainage channel and even definitive removal of houses in the sector.

The PMDMAP, started in 2017, was funded by FEHIDRO (State Water Resources Fund), through the CBH-AT (Alto Tietê Basin Committee), and carried out by the companies Ieme Brasil and Base for the Suzano City Hall.


Photo: Mauricio Sordilli

Presentation of the plan to the City Hall and technical community of Suzano (open session) – 11/18/2022

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