Day: April 5, 2023

Vale, Parauapebas: we are in the field

Technicians from IEME Brasil and LAEDE are in the field to carry out detailed inspection services in 16 special works of art (bridges or viaducts) and 7 tunnels of the Structural Integrity Management subordinated to the Directorate of Base Metals Atlântico Sul, of Vale, in Parauapebas (PA). The OAE and tunnels are located in the territories of Mineração Onça Puma, Mina do Salobo, Mina do Sossego and Porto São Luiz, in the States of Pará and Maranhão.

The contract began in August 2022 and is expected to end in September 2024. IEME estimates that approximately 30% of the service has already been completed.

Detailed inspection services for OAE and tunnels follow ABNT NBR 9452 – Inspection of Bridges, Viaducts, Concrete Walkways – Procedures and include the following tests:

  • Verification of corrosion potential
  • Checking the electrical resistivity of concrete
  • Sclerometry (NBR-7584) – By tested area
  • Chloride ion content
  • Sulphate content
  • RAA (Alkali Aggregate Reaction)
  • Weld penetrant liquid
  • Ultrasound
  • Infrared thermography
  • Pacometry
  • Concrete permeability
  • Concrete strength – core extraction
  • Extensometry test
  • Mapping with aerometry (drone)
  • Mapping using 3D scanning

The inspection results in detailed reports containing all the reports of the technological tests carried out, informing the state of conservation and any pathologies identified, reporting points of improvement, drawings with the repairs to be made, if the inspection defines it, and the classification grade of each asset , as required by the standard.


Carrying out the load test on the Itacaiúnas Bridge, using loaded trucks


Top and bottom view of the Itacaiúnas Bridge


Extraction of the specimen with the CP extracted

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