New instrumented wheel set IEME service
Professionals and companies in the metro-railway area know that the most efficient and complete technique for determining the contact forces between the wheels of a railway composition and the track tracks consists of using instrumented wheel sets with electrical resistance strain gauges.
This resource makes it possible to diagnose different anomalous behaviors that lead to safety and operation problems, both in the rolling stock and on the roads. Monitoring makes it possible to detect, for example, wear on wheels or rails, fatigue and damage to vehicles and risk of derailment, among other problems. This information is important for maintenance planning in track operation and is subject to international technical standards.
However, the current commercialization model, currently practiced by foreign companies in Brazil, consists of selling a “single package”, which includes supply and installation of instrumentation, calibration, data acquisition system, telemetry and licensed analysis software, installed on a dedicated computer. The operation of the wheel set is carried out by professionals from the road operator, requiring expenses with training, updates and periodic system licenses. In case of component repair or calibration, the wheel sets must be sent to the manufacturer, usually outside the country, which represents a high cost and time (sometimes months) for shipping, repair and return.
IEME BRASIL, always looking for innovative and appropriate solutions for the Brazilian market, offers a new commercial model of instrumented wheel sets, unprecedented in Brazil, which consists of providing services using equipment and software owned and operated by professionals specialists of its technical team, without the need for purchase by the Operator. The service allows the Customer to have a very low cost compared to the model currently used.
The novelty was presented at NTExpo (São Paulo Expo – SP, from 2/28 to 3/2), Rua B nº B070.